"Highly knowledgeable & confident professional"
I’ve been highly reluctant & fearful to move forward seeking an Atty, sadly I witnessed a case that created trust issues, not to mention COVID requiring discussing highly emotional experiences over a phone call vs that one on one. When I spoke to Andrea this morning, I was highly anxious, it’s like reliving something you experienced all over again, I had been crying so when she spoke to me I felt this sense of immediate trust, she has this demeanor that exudes a highly knowledgeable & confident professional, she was a referral which added to my trust to share anything, she took control of our conversation (w/out realizing) allowing me to focus by the end of our conversation I was grateful to feel, with just 1 phone call trust! When you speak to someone in the top of their field you know it immediately. Thank Andrea for helping me, being honest & following thru.....
- Shellie